a bit more on charter extension

To the Working Group:

The topic of charter extension came up today at the Do Not Track panel at the IAPP Summit.  I thought I would pass on my comments to the full group.
On the topic of user interface, the Charter states that ¡°the Working Group will not specify the exact presentation to the user.¡±  Reading the language as a lawyer, ¡°not specify the exact presentation¡± leaves considerable room to talk about issues of user interface.
My general approach is to have an open door, meet with people, and consider how to foster a useful conversation.  I apply that to discussions of user interface as well.
If I can be useful to helping convene discussions, including browsers, advertisrs, and others, I am open to that, and I know that W3C staff would be happy to help with that.
Perhaps of interest, Stu Ingis of DAA said at the panel that the charter extension is a ¡°distraction.¡±
As I said in my earlier email to the group about the charter appeal, we have work to do.  Let©ös do it on the timetable that we contemplated when I came aboard.

Professor Peter P. Swire
C. William O'Neill Professor of Law
    Ohio State University

Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 19:14:58 UTC