June Change Proposal: short-term retention, Issue 134

Comment:  EFF would still distinguish protocol data from other data, as we always have.

"A third party may collect and use protocol information for any purpose, subject to a two-week retention period.

Protocol information includes:
-any information that a user agent necessarily shares with a web server when it communicates with the web server (e.g. IP address and User-Agent), and
-the URL of the top-level page, communicated via a Referer header or other means, unless the URL contains information that is not unlinkable (e.g. a username or user ID).

Protocol information does not include:
-any information that a web server could cause to not be sent but still communicate with the user agent (e.g. a cookie or a Request-URI parameter generated by the user agent), except the URL of the top-level page, and
-any data added by a network intermediary that the operator of a web server has actual knowledge of (e.g. a unique device identifier HTTP header)."

Lee Tien
Senior Staff Attorney
Electronic Frontier Foundation
815 Eddy Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
(415) 436-9333 x 102 (tel)
(415) 436-9993 (fax)

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2013 01:52:01 UTC