Re: TPE sec 6.11 on clearing granted exceptions

On Friday 26 April 2013 01:31:29 Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> I don't think I was clear.  Currently, the only advantage the UGE
> framework has is that it doesn't get cleared when cookies get cleared.
> If that isn't true, we should delete the entire framework and replace
> it with a named cookie that is sent along with the DNT:1 signal. Then
> we wouldn't have to wait until all browsers implement UGEs and we
> wouldn't have to implement two different opt-in consent mechanisms.

The argument so far was to provide a persistent store that would survive 
clearing cookies. This was one of the main selling arguments for DNT. As 
people clear cookies once a month at least, the exceptions would not be 
persistent at all. If this is the case, we would not need any DNT - 
header anyway as the entire thing could operate with cookies. 

Received on Friday, 26 April 2013 18:43:29 UTC