Re: TPE sec 3

I must have missed this suggestion on the call. It would seem strange to drop section 3, as it contains many of the important decisions which the group has come to. Specifically, user agents must not enable DNT (1 or 0) by default; DNT signals must reflect the user's preference; user agents are given flexibility in presentation; UAs are not required to present three distinct options with equal effort; UAs must provide a choice to turn off a DNT setting. (We have been agreed on much of this text since December 2011, with subsequent decisions made over the past year.)

I do think the editors have been regularly dealing with the tension of which requirements are documented in TPE versus in TCS. As we close out any remaining issues on UA requirements, we can determine where they are best located. In the meantime, it seems essential to retain this section rather than drop it.


On Apr 17, 2013, at 10:35 AM, Rob van Eijk <> wrote:

> As expressed on the call, I propose to drop the current section 3 all together. It does not contain anything that relates to the necessary technical buildingblocks. In fact, the current text fuels complaince discussion(s). For example the one we have just seen on the default settings.
> Proposed text for section 3:
> <text>
> NOTE: section 3 has been removed
> </text>

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 23:21:11 UTC