tracking-ISSUE-185 (WebWide Not): There should not be an API for web-wide exceptions [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)]

tracking-ISSUE-185 (WebWide Not): There should not be an API for web-wide exceptions [Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)]

Raised by: Mike O'Neill
On product: Tracking Preference Expression (DNT)

We should not have a "silent" web-wide exception API, to accompany the suggested site-wide one.
As there is now no safety check UI for the site-wide API ,or potential for one as it is now synchronous, it would be very easy for a 1st party site to maliciously or accidentally set a web-wide API, without the user being informed.
I agree that new site-wide API is a good idea, as it will be simpler to implement and does not have the problem of bombarding users with exception dialogs, but it would be a bad idea to project this onto the web-wide one.
I therefore suggest we either remove the web-wide API or insist that it is implemented as it was before, with a browser UI informing the user and getting agreement.

Received on Sunday, 28 October 2012 15:05:30 UTC