Re: ISSUE-5: What is the definition of tracking?

I'm trying to "play the naive user" here.

Isn't 'tracking' for them, one of these two actions:

a) remembering data that is about me, or traceable to me, for a time longer than this transaction (you clearly have to 'remember' my IP address to respond, for example)
b) using data remembered about me, or traceable to me, and associating it with this transaction ("the IP address a.b.c.d is almost always that guy Dave")

These are written in the positive sense, they are not exclusions; they don't worry about legal entities, organizational boundaries, etc.

'treat me as someone about whom you know nothing, and remember nothing'

David Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 28 October 2011 00:27:26 UTC