Re: Agenda: Global considerations F2F meeting 11-12 Berlin


Since this workshop is entitled "Global Considerations" I'm Just wondering how POVs from Africa, Asia, Pan Pacific/Oceana (including Australia and New Zealand) and South America are going to be represented here? From the agenda, I'd recommend re-titling this particular workshop as "European Considerations" or "Western Considerations" to be more representative of the actual agenda, participation and motive.  Otherwise, Rigo, can you please outline what true global outreach W3C has done (beyond the US and Europe) to assemble this meeting and it's agenda?  I'm not being cheeky, at all. If this is to be a true "global standard" then I dare say that W3C still has quite a bit of work to do in assembling a truly global set of stake holders. 



Sent from my BlackBerry...

Chris Mejia
Digital Supply Chain Solutions
IAB Ad Technology Group
347-949-8279 Mobile

----- Original Message -----
From: Rigo Wenning []
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 01:35 PM
To: <>
Subject: Agenda: Global considerations F2F meeting 11-12 Berlin

Hi all, 

I have made a DRAFT Agenda with locations and things. No Hotel 
suggestions yet.

I really really want your further input on this agenda. Should we 
shuffle topics, is there a topic missing. The more I get feedback, the 
better the Agenda will be. 


Received on Sunday, 24 February 2013 18:51:11 UTC