Global considerations F2F meeting 11-12

Hi all, 

we had 11-13 March as target dates. I heard Viney complain and argue 
against 12-13 March, but 11-12 would work. We only need a big maximun of 
one and a half day.

So my suggestion is to fix the date now for 11-12 March in Berlin. The 
Agenda (to be detailed) will not start before noon, so everybody can 
arrive in the morning (even those from abroad with the earlier planes)

It looks like Kimon still has trouble securing a room for the meeting, 
so I started a backup-plan as W3C has offices in Berlin (via DFKI). I'm 
currently investigating those. There are still other possibilities.

So unless I hear loud complaints until tomorrow EOB, the meeting will be 
11-12 March in Berlin. Details for room and agenda will follow. The main 
points of the Agenda that are relevant to the discussion of our 
specifications are already in my introduction email:

If we want to, we could additionally talk about the TPWG's relation to 
the ongoing discussion about the new EU privacy regulation and what it 
means for us. 

Also, the javascript API has to be scrutinized whether it works for the 
goals we want to achieve in a regulated environment. 

Of course, additional suggestions for the agenda are welcome. 



Received on Monday, 4 February 2013 15:04:09 UTC