2 proposals for stylus support. Extend range of Touch.rotationAngle. Add Touch.tilt


As mentioned http://crbug.com/393462 about SPen: "...It's reasonable for 
an application to treat stylus input slightly differently from touch 
input. Ideally all details in Android's MotionEvent  would be available 
to the web application... we should consider trying to standardize some 
additional properties on TouchEvent for this..."
We agree, and we have been working to enable some feature we consider 
Please let us know your opinions about proposals below, which may make 
sense for stylus-type pointers:
1. Extend range of Touch.rotationAngle up to 360 degrees (to support 
oriented pointers).
TEE defines only 90 degrees range for rotationAngle - due to symmetry, 
this is enough to define orientation of touch-ellipse, but we think, it 
makes sense to extend the range up to 360 degrees - and reuse this 
property to report orientation of pointer itself, if supported.
Currently, orientation supported by samsung spen, at least.
2. Add property Touch.tilt
Tilt can be defined as angle (in range 0..90 degrees) of the stylus away 
from the perpendicular to the screen. Normal use-cases are - advanced 
drawing applications,  like http://goo.gl/jYExOt. Hardware support – 
yes, at least Note4 (+spen) supports tilt currently.

Patch for Touch.tilt: http://crrev.com/750013004,
Tilt API: 


Received on Friday, 23 January 2015 09:08:38 UTC