Weekly Update


This is the 5th weekly update for my progress on the webvtt tests.
My next semester of university has started, so I'm transitioning from
full time to part time work.
This means progress should slow down slightly, but I'm hoping to make
up for it with a now deeper understanding of the codebase.
https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/pull/5032 has been merged,
meaning file parsing tests are complete
I've created a pull request for updating the included vtt file parser
in the tests for a incoming spec change:
I'm also close to completing a tool that automatically categorizes
test results from a json result dump, along with categorizing all the
current tests.
I expect to be done with that tool by the end of the week.

Benjamin Schaaf

Received on Monday, 13 March 2017 08:57:10 UTC