Re: [TestTWF Seoul] Photos & quick report

Deserves to be posted on the TestTWF blog.


Sent from my mobile phone.

On Apr 16, 2014, at 3:57, Daniel Davis <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here are some photos taken by Jonathan Jeon from Test The Web Forward in
> Seoul last weekend:
> We had a good turnout at the Ritz-Carlton hotel (lovely food!)
> for talks and preparation on Friday evening, then a day of coding on
> Saturday. It was the first TestTWF in Seoul so several people needed
> help with the concept and setting up Git and the test repository.
> We also had a video link with Tokyo (WebRTC, of course!) as they held
> their third TestTWF which added to the fun. The Tokyo crew concentrated
> on CSS text decoration, HTML ruby and shadow DOM.
> AT&T also joined in the video chat from the USA on Saturday morning.
> In Seoul, the attendees were divided into three groups:
> * Accessibility (Shadi was there for guidance)
> * CSS
> * HTML
> During the Saturday I saw people working on the following areas:
> * Browser Context
> * Custom Elements (Web Components)
> * HTML Import (Web Components)
> * Text Track
> * Web Crypto API
> Despite some initial confusion about W3C specs and what to work on,
> there was a positive attitude and good cooperation between experts and
> newbies among the tables. Sangwhan was particularly noticeable for his
> technical help while wearing a teddy bear costume!
> There's a core group of friendly, enthusiastic "open webbers" in Seoul
> so I'm hopeful this will not be the last TestTWF there.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2014 07:36:36 UTC