Re: deleting{webapps,webevents,web-platform-tests} creates lots of 404s

On 21/03/2014 11:44 , Odin Hørthe Omdal wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014, at 18:14, James Graham wrote:
>> wptserve doesn't really support the kind of wildcard redirect you are
>> looking for. Since it's not a feature required to test the web platform
>> I am reluctant to add it unless we are really sure it's worth the cost.
> Can wpt be proxied through nginx which has the features?
> Though proxying through will of course make certain tests fail. So it's
> a bad idea anyway. That's what we wanted to go away from.

Indeed. Please, let's not go back to that.

> Is there another (cleaner) way to have wptserve defer to some other
> authorithy on cases it doesn't know how to handle? (a fall-through?).

I agree with James that it's probably a bad idea to introduce 
mod_rewrite into wptserve. It's supposed to stay simple so that it can 
reliably be tested with.

That said, maybe we could introduce a feature that would keep things 
relatively simple: a 404 handler. Basically, the JSON configuration can 
have a field pointing to file that is called whenever wptserve hits a 
404. That file is called exactly like the server-side bits we already have.

People who then want to redirect stuff can then hack that in Python.

Having a single possible handler and forcing people to use Python should 
make for a suitably high barrier to usage while keeping implementation 
relatively simple.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 10:53:52 UTC