Review of tests upstreamed by implementors


As pointed out by Robin[1], the test review process is more often than not the bottleneck.

I've had a number of offline conversations about lightening the review process for tests as much as possible.

One of the topic that came up on multiple occasions was that tests upstreamed by implementers had already been peer-reviewed internally.

It seems giving special treatment to such submissions would help reduce the bottleneck and get tests in the repository much faster. (Note that we could still run a number of tests automatically on such submission to catch common issues).

In order to go through this fast-track process, some form of log of the internal review process would need to be produced alongside the submission. For open-source projects, this could be an URL to a publicly accessible bug tracker, for non open-source projects, this would need to be added to the body of the pull request.

Should a given submission prove problematic, the merge would be reverted and the tests would go through the regular review process.



Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 09:05:58 UTC