Re: Naming directories in web-platform-tests

Hi Tobie,

Tobie Langel <>, 2013-04-17 00:25 +0200:

> Hi, 
> Is there any reason for the the test directory names not to match the
> short name of the specs as found in /TR? (e.g. 2dcontext vs. canvas2d,
> webmessaging vs. WebMessaging, crypto-api vs WebCryptoAPI, etc.)
> If we don't like the names of the specs in /TR can we change them there
> rather than in the test repository?

We don't typically change the shortnames in /TR. It's possible to change
them (which also requires setting up a redirect from the old one to the new
one, because we can't break the existing URLs), but I don't think we'll be
able to get approval to change them just for the reason of wanting to have
more consistent names in the test repo (e.g., having the names be


> Happy to send a pull request with changes if there's agreement.
> Thanks,
> --tobie 

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 22:47:20 UTC