Does it pass?


The example of testing the dir=”ltr” attribute was discussed at the plenary break-out session.

Say a user-agent implements the attribute but renders the result with  different kerning or just monospaces the result when compared to the sample representation.

Does the user-agent pass?

How would a test-framework differentiate between rendering variances allowed or disallowed by the standard (desirable or not)? How would a testing-framework extract character sequencing (in this example) from rendering variances even if pixel-level screen capture was possible.

SDOs only have the discretion to  test-to-spec rather than what might be expected by an end-user. SDOs also need test-frameworks that will be able to verify potentially thousands of test-pages without needing manual validation of the rendered output.

Russell Berkoff

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 21:36:44 UTC