Re: Comments on draft Browser Testing and Tools Working Group

On Tue, 19 Jul 2011, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> On 19.7.2011 15:49, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
>> Shadi Abou-Zahra<>, 2011-07-18 09:49 +0200:
>>> Hi Mike, Philippe,
>>> As discussed, please find some comments on the draft Browser Testing and
>>> Tools Working Group $Id: browser-testing-charter.html,v 1.11 2011/07/11
>>> 14:05:14 mike Exp $. The comments are based on input from Michael Cooper 
>>> and
>>> Jeanne Spellman though they may have additions.
>>> #1. Title<->  scope mismatch
>>> The WG title "Browser Testing and Tools" seems significantly broader than
>>> the scope described. A clearer title would be "Web Applications Testing 
>>> and
>>> Tools Working Group" or similar.
>> I chose the title to make it clear what class of applications the proposed
>> deliverables are limited to. They are meant to be implemented in Web
>> browsers (instead of, say, in authoring applications).
> Just for the record, I continue to think that the current title is too broad 
> and misleading. It is a significant mismatch to the scope.

My understanding is that the scope of the WG is to standardise things 
useeful for testing the web-stack technologies in browsers. This seems 
like it is well conveyed by the title. The fact that thesame things can 
also be used for testing web applications is a happy corollary.

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2011 19:33:59 UTC