RE: Discussion on current status and next step of contacts API, Data Store API and TCP and UDP Socket API

On July 23, 2014 at 1:00:22 AM, Wonsuk Lee ( wrote:
> Hi. Marcos and Chris.
> In case of Contacts Manager API, previously we had long discussion  
> for apply DataStore API to Contacts. But as Marcos said DataStore  
> API was dropped. So I would like to know which kinds of outstanding  
> issues are there in the spec? 

I'm not really involved with that spec, so I don't have anything to contribute. 

> It's quite long time ago, but as far  
> as I remember, there are not many major issues. Is it right? Also  
> I would like to know the next step for this.

I have no status to add, sorry :(

Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2014 18:22:45 UTC