Re: [sysapps/runtime] can user add another store apps?

On 27/03/13 15:03, Fabrice Desre wrote:
> You can check at
> which api is available for each level or trustiness ("app" in this table
> is what I called "web" here).
> We currently only recognize the mozilla store as a source of privileged
> apps, but it's only a matter of installing the right certificates on the
> device if we want to add more trusted stores.
Hi Fabrice,

Thanks very much for the pointer and explanation.  This makes more 
sense.  Out of curiosity, is this 'permissions table' intended to remain 
hard-coded in Firefox OS source code, or do you anticipate any 
customisation / adaptation by users or other stakeholders?

To return to Norifumi's question, it sounds like 'apps' (which are 
roughly as privileged as websites) can be installed from anywhere, but 
'privileged apps' (which are able to access cameras, contacts, etc) can 
only be installed from an app store that the user agent has a trusted 
certificate for, and the process for installing new privileged app 
stores is likely to remain outside of this specification.  Is that a 
fair assessment?

Best wishes,


Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 15:29:02 UTC