Duplicate ID in runtime specification

The runtime specification currently has duplicate IDs for 
idl-def-systemMessageCallback in the following:

>     <section id="extension-to-the-navigator-interface-1">
>       <h3><span class="secno">8.2</span> Extension to the <a href=
>       "#idl-def-Navigator" class=
>       "idlType"><code>Navigator</code></a> interface</h3>
>       <section>
>         <pre class="idl" id="idl-def-systemMessageCallback">
> <span class="idlCallback" id=
> "idl-def-systemMessageCallback">callback <span class=
> "idlCallbackID">systemMessageCallback</span> = <span class=
> "idlCallbackType"><a>void</a></span> (<span class=
> "idlParam">optional <span class=
> "idlParamType"><a>Object</a></span> <span class=
> "idlParamName">message</span></span>);</span>
> </pre>

I have removed the id on the PRE element in keeping with other uses of 
PRE for idl definitions in the specification. If this is an 
inappropriate fix, please let me know as soon as possible, as otherwise 
we are expecting to issue runtime as a First Public Working Draft 
tomorrow (Thursday).

The validator also insists on at least one DD element as the child of a 
DL element. To resolve this, I added <dd class="hide"></dd> along with a 
style rule to suppress any rendering effects.

I was asked to include forward looking information in the State of this 
Document section. The unique paragraph required by pubrules now reads:

> This document defines a runtime and security model for Web
> Applications, along with a manifest format and packaging model. The
> current draft covers the use of CSP policies for trusted packaged
> applications, and future drafts will extend this to trusted hosted
> applications.

Which is based upon the following note:

> 9.4.5 CSP Policy
> The following sub-section assumes that a trusted application can only
> be a packaged application. This needs to be updated.

Many thanks,

Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 10:09:02 UTC