Schedule for next F2F meeting

I would like to fix the schedule for next SysApps WG F2F meeting as below.
It's based on the result of doodle [1].
- Aug 26-30(Prefer(13), just working(1), Not working(3)): Totally 14
members could attend

For the place, I am looking for the company to host this meeting. At the
last f2f meeting, I heard Mozilla and Vodafone could host the meeting, so
that if it's not changed, I would like to ask Diana and Mounir to check
this. But absolutely other company could propose a place as well. Actually
some company in Korea could host this meeting. But as I mentioned in the
last f2f meeting, there is a North Korea issue and W3C TPAC meeting will be
held in Shenzhen, China. So I think Seoul is not good place at this time to
have this meeting because two meetings might be held continuously in Asia.

If you have any comment, please let me know.


Kr, Wonsuk.
ÀÌ ¿ø ¼® (Wonsuk, Lee) / Principal Engineer, Ph.D
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997
E-mail:,, twitter: @wonsuk73
Inspire the World, Create the Future !!!

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2013 09:33:09 UTC