Re: Telephony API, new version

Hi all,

On 2013¦~04¤ë02¤é 18:22, Kis, Zoltan wrote:
> Hello,
>> ICC ID seems the proper one used for the service Id.
> Yes, it is one proper way, however, I think it should not be mandatory
> (some implementations may choose different id name space, likely
> mapped to the ICC-ID).
>>> For now, I suggest we remove the constraint, but don't support fetching the MSISDN through the Telephony API. IMO it should be a functionality exposed in the (future) separate TelephonyService API.
>> The suggestion sounds good to me and I also support having a separate service API (in the future, maybe ;-) ).
> I have fixed the bug in the spec along these lines, see
> .
> Thank you for raising the issue.

Looks good to me. :)

> If you see any other inconsistencies, please share.

Another concern: for cellular telephony, what would
serviceId/defaultServiceId be when there's no SIM card inserted at all?
Even no SIM card inserted, user should be able to make a call (emergency
call). We need to make sure the API allows that.
I am not sure whether this issue has been discussed before or is still
under discussion, but I do want to share my concern since I cannot tell
from the proposal.

Best regards,

Hsin-Yi Tsai ½²ªY©y
Mozilla Taiwan
T: +886-2-87861100 ext:312

Received on Wednesday, 3 April 2013 09:11:13 UTC