Re: Deliverables

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Poussa, Sakari <>wrote:

> On 6/3/12 9:20 PM, "Jonas Sicking" <> wrote:
> >The only API that I have an opinion on that we *should* include is
> >what we at mozilla has referred to as "system messages API". This is
> >an API which is used to deliver messages from the UA to a application,
> >even when that application isn't currently running. I.e. the system
> >messages API will deliver the message to the application, but if the
> >application isn't running, the API first starts the application and
> >then delivers the message.
> >
> >This is a capability we have found the need for in several APIs, such
> >as the Alarm API, WebIntents/WebActivities and Push Notifications API.
> >This is why I'd recommend that we include this in the initial set,
> >possibly along with an API which would use this mechanism.
> This is a good one. On Tizen we haven't done anything in this space other
> than listed is as a gap. IMO, this is an important API to have, and we
> should start working on it early on.

I also agree that this is important functionality to define.  I'm not
necessarily sure that it will need to be its own separate API
specification, or whether it will be part of the execution model.  From my
standpoint it will tie in pretty deeply into application startup, lifetime,


Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 17:49:28 UTC