CFP - OTM 2006 Federated Conferences

OTM 2006 Federated Conferences - Call For Papers

"On the Move -OTM- to Meaningful Internet Systems and Ubiquitous
Computing"  2006 consisting of:

- International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA'06)

- International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of
   Semantics (ODBASE'06)

- International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'06)

- International Symposium on Grid computing, high-performAnce and 
Distributed Applications (GADA'06)

                          Montpellier, France
                     October 29 - November 3, 2006

DOA'06 Keynote:
       Alois Ferscha
       Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, "Everyobjects in the Pervasive 
Computing Landscape"
ODBASE'06 Keynote:
       Marie-Christine Rousset
       University of Grenoble
CoopIS'06 Keynote:
       Frank Leymann
GADA'06 Keynote:
       Daniel S. Katz
       Louisiana State University and Jet Propulsion Laboratory

BRIEF OVERVIEW: The current and future software needs are towards the 
of large and complex Intelligent Networked Information Systems, covering 
a wide
range of issues (such as Data and Web Semantics, Distributed Objects, 
Web Services,
Grid Computing, High-performance and distributed applications, 
Databases, Workflow,
Cooperation, Interoperability, Mobility) as required for the deployment of
Internet- and Intranet-based systems in organizations and for e-business.
This federated event is unique at providing an opportunity for researchers
and practitioners to understand the recent developments in ubiquitous 

OnTheMove (OTM) co-locates four successful related and complementary
conferences (DOA = infrastructure, ODBASE = meaning of data, CoopIS = 
application in organizations),
GADA = grid computing, high-performance and distributed applications).
Each of these conferences covers several research aspects, viz. theory 
(e.g. underlying formalisms),
conceptual (e.g. technical and conceptual solutions) and
applications (e.g. case studies and industrial solutions).

AREAS OF INTEREST. Broad areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

    * Enabling Technologies
    * Middleware
    * Distributed Objects and Applications
    * Internet Computing
    * Web Services

    * Design, Tools, and Methodologies
    * Ontologies
    * XML Databases
    * Web Semantics
    * Semantic Tools

    * Cooperative Information Systems
    * Interoperation
    * Workflow Systems
    * Enterprise Technologies
    * Agent Technologies

    * Computational grids
    * Grid computing infrastructures, middleware and tools
    * Security in distributed environments
    * Collaboration technologies
    * Distributed applications


    * Abstract Submission Deadline:  May 30, 2006
    * Paper Submission Deadline: June 10, 2006
    * Acceptance Notification: August 5, 2006
    * Final Version Due: August 20, 2006
    * Conference: October 29 - November 3, 2006

General Co-Chairs (

     * Robert Meersman, VU Brussels, Belgium
     * Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia

Workshops General Chair

     * Pilar Herrero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

CoopIS PC Co-Chairs (

     * Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
     * Louiqa Raschid, University of Maryland, USA
     * Rainer Ruggaber, SAP Research center, Germany

DOA PC Co-Chairs (

     * Judith Bishop, University of Pretoria, South Africa
     * Kurt Geihs, University of Kassel, Germany
     * Makoto Takizawa, University of Tokyo, Japan

ODBASE PC Co-Chairs (

     * Maurizio Lenzerini, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
     * Erich Neuhold, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
     * VS Subrahmanian, University of Maryland College Park, USA

GADA PC Co-Chairs (

     * Pilar Herrero, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
     * María S. Pérez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
     * Domenico Talia, Universitá della Callabria, Italy
     * Albert Zomaya, The University of Sydney, Australia

Local Organising Chair (

     * Zohra Bellahsene, University of MontpellierII, France

Publication Chair (

     * Kwong Yuen Lai, RMIT University, Australia

Publicity Chair

     * Mohand-Said Hacid, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Workshop Publicity Chairs

     * Gonzalo Méndez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Received on Friday, 5 May 2006 21:39:01 UTC