Re: Internet/Distributed Computing using HTTP/POST: Bridge semant ic W eb and Web services under the same Internet protocol

On Jan 20, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Shi, Xuan wrote:

> As to my understanding, the problem for REST may be that REST has 
> limited
> meaningful description. It has only 4 verbs (or more?) like GET, POST, 
> PUT,
> DELETE, etc. I could not find any useful information about semantic Web
> services in REST approach, while REST people said those 4 verbs are 
> enough
> for all ;p


Those verbs have parameters. Notably (let's talk GET) the URI.

	GET aPageGivingTheCurrentWeather
	GET aPageGivingTheCurrentTime
	GET aPageGivingTheCurrentPriceOfAStock

Yes, the verb is the same in each, but the overall action is quite 
different. Why not describe that.

(Some applications don't care and shouldn't, i.e., webcrawler. But 
others do and should.)


Received on Friday, 20 January 2006 16:02:39 UTC