Re: OWL-S in use?

Sheila McIlraith wrote:

>Since OWL-S is an OWL ontology for Web services, the OWL tools
>can be used for OWL-S.  Many tools are listed at
>OWL ontology editors can be used to develop OWL-S ontologies.
>There is also a specific Protege OWL-S editor, developed by SRI,
>on this page for download.
Our OWL-S editor project is hosted at
If you have any questions about it, you can use our discussion list
This is an early version, but we welcome any user and are eager to get 
feedback that can influence our design.
We will be happy to assist with any problems or questions

Grit (for the OWL-S editor team at SRI)

>- Sheila
> Sheila McIlraith --  Dept of Computer Science, Univeristy of Toronto
> -- sheila [at] cs [dot] toronto [dot] edu
> Phone:  416-946-8484 -- Fax:  416-978-1455
>On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Robert Mark Bram wrote:
>>Hi Bijan,
>>>>Are there any examples of OWL-S in currently in use? I have found a few
>>>>OWL ontologies on SchemaWeb, and was hoping that some people have
>>>>started using them..
>>>Do you mean OWL-S or OWL?
>>Definitely OWL-S - I found a few instances of OWL in SchemaWeb, but no
>>examples of OWL-S.
>>>>Also, are there any tools for OWL-S developed yet? I saw some for
>>>>DAML+OIL on Dave Beckett's resource list:
>>>This seems like OWL.
>>>Both OWL-S and OWL are in use. One example of OWL is exactly OWL-S!
>>I should have said that I was after tools to help build an OWL-S
>>description of a service. :)
>>>OWL-S is being used by, e.g., Fujistu (for their Task Computing project
>>Thank you very much - I am looking at this one now..
>>Robert Mark Bram
>>B.Comp.(Systems Development/Business Systems)
>>Doctor of Philosophy Student
>>School of Network Computing
>>Faculty of Information Technology
>>Monash University
>>Peninsula Campus
>>McMahons Rd
>>Frankston, VIC 3199
>>Phone:  61 3 9904 4394
>>Facsimile:  61 3 9904 4124

Received on Tuesday, 5 October 2004 03:35:42 UTC