AW: Deploying an OWL ontology via an Web Services interface

> I am interested in the case of a community managed ontology, where 
> working groups can be delegated to maintain parts of the 
> ontology, all via a single web accessible repository.
> Applications would be able to search this repository as required.

This is the goal of the Open Source RDF/RDFS/OWL editor "pOWL" - it is
currently under heavy development. Maybe you would like to check the
website at:

An interactive demo is provided, but pOWL lacks an exhaustive
documentation. Please use the mailinglist and forums at the SourceForge
project page and feel free to add feature requests at the tracker.

> I would like the ability to:

Most of the things you mentioned are already implemented, nevertheless
pOWL ist still of late alpha / early beta quality.
A first stable version is planned for August, please subscribe to the
powl-releases mailinglist at sourceforge
( to stay

Sören Auer

Sören Auer - University of Leipzig - Dept. of Computer Science
Room 5-52, Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig, +49 (341) 97-32323

Received on Monday, 10 May 2004 15:35:43 UTC