Call for Poster Semantic Web (ISWC2004)


                         CALL FOR POSTERS

                     DEADLINE:  MONDAY JULY 12

          3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2004)
           Sunday, November 7 -- Thursday, November 11, 2004
               Hiroshima Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan

The  vision of  the  Semantic  Web  is  to make  the  contents of  the  Web 
unambiguously computer interpretable, enabling automation of a diversity of
tasks currently performed by human beings.  The goal of providing semantics 
and automated reasoning capabilities  for the Web draws upon research  in a 
broad range of areas including Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Software 
Engineering, Distributed Computing  and Information Systems.  Contributions 
to date have included languages  for semantic annotation  of Web documents, 
automated reasoning capabilities  for Web languages,  ontologies, query and 
view languages,  semantic translation of Web contents, semantic integration 
middleware,  technologies and principles for building multi-agent  and Grid 
systems, semantic interoperation of programs and devices,  technologies and 
principles for describing,  searching and composing Web Services,  and more. 

The 3rd  International  Semantic  Web  Conference (ISWC2004) follows on the 
success of previous conferences and workshops in 
  Sanibel Island, USA in 2003 (,  
  Sardinia, Italy in 2002     (, and  
  Stanford, USA in 2001       (

The conference comprises a research track, an industrial track and a poster 
track, as well as exhibitions, demos and other events.  Deadlines for 
submissions of research and indutrial track papers has already passed. 

The organizing committee now solicits submission for the ISWC2004 poster
track.  Details of the solicitation can be found at:

The  Poster  Session  at  ISWC2004  is  an  opportunity for presenting late-
breaking results, ongoing research projects, speculative or innovative work-
in-progress.  Posters are intended to provide authors  and participants with 
the ability  to connect  with each other  and to engage in discussions about 
the work.  Technical  posters,  reports on  Semantic Web  software  systems, 
completed work, or work in progress are all welcome. 

Posters are very appropriate for material  which is not yet ready for a full 
paper submission. 

Authors submit a two page summary or extended abstracts for evaluation. This 
MUST clearly demonstrate a relevance  to the Semantic Web.  Submissions will 
be evaluated for acceptability by the reviewers.  Decisions about acceptance 
will  be  based  on  relevance  to the Semantic Web, originality,  potential 
significance, topicality and clarity. 

Authors of full papers  may submit poster summaries  that  emphasize  "where 
next" with the research presented in the full paper. Such submissions can be 
made before or after notification concerning the related full paper, and are 
welcome whether the full paper is accepted or rejected. Rejected full papers 
will not automatically be considered for the poster track; a separate poster 
submission must be made. 

Each poster summary  will be reviewed by  at least two independent reviewers 
from the Program Committee and the Industrial Track Committee. Any 
additional reviewers will be listed here. 

At least  one of the poster authors  must be present  at the conference, and 
attend  the poster session.  Posters are intended  to  convey  a  scientific 
result or work-in-progress  and  are  not  intended  as  advertisements  for 
software packages. 

The summaries of accepted posters  will be given to all conference attendees 
and published on the conference web site.  They will not be included in the 

Topics for posters include but are not limited to the following:

-  Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data
-  Ontologies (creation, merging, linking and reconciliation)
-  Large Scale Knowledge Management
-  Data Semantics
-  Database Technologies for the Semantic Web
-  Semantic Web Middleware
-  Knowledge Portals
-  Tools and Methodologies for Web Agents
-  Peer to Peer Systems 
-  Semantic Brokering
-  Semantic Integration and Interoperability
-  Semantic Web Mining
-  Semantic Web Services (description, discovery, invocation, composition)
-  Semantic Web Inference Schemes
-  Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
-  Semantic Web for e-Business  and e-Learning
-  Searching, Querying and Viewing the Semantic Web
-  User Interfaces
-  Visualization and Modelling

Poster summary submissions - Poster Track: 		July 12
Poster acceptance notification: 			September 6
Camera-ready poster summaries - Poster Track:	  	September 20

The deadlines for submissions are strict: no extensions will be given.

Submissions must consist of a camera-ready summary or extended abstract of the 
work to be described in the poster, not to exceed two (2) pages in IJCAI two-
column format. 

All submissions  must be made  via the Poster Submissions page at the ISWC2004 
Web Site ( 
Submissions must be in either PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) or 
PostScript.  Contact Jeremy Carroll ( ) if you have 
questions or experience problems with your submission. 

All submissions must be received by July 12, 2004.  Submissions which are late, 
too long, or require substantial revision, will not be considered.  Submissions 
must be in camera-ready format;  gven the tight publication schedule, revisions 
after September 20, 2004 will not be feasible. 

Please monitor for further submission details 
or changes.

The conference will be held at the Hiroshima Prince Hotel, which is a four-star 
equivalent hotel located at the edge of a small peninsula facing the picturesque 
islands that dot the  Seto Inland Sea.  Hiroshima city has  two World Heritages 
one of which is called Miyajima to  which fast-boat transportation is available 
at the hotel port. Miyajima has one of the best Shrines to visit in Japan.

General Chair: 		Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
Program Co-Chairs: 	Sheila McIlraith (University of Toronto, Canada), 
                        Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete. Greece) 
Local Arrangements Chair: Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, Japan)
Industrial Track Co-Chairs: Jun-ichi Akahani (NTT Laboratories, Japan)
                            Dean Allemang (TopQuadrant Inc., USA)
Posters Chair: 		Jeremy Carroll (Hewlett-Packard Labs, UK)
Tutorial Co-Chairs:	Vipul Kashyap (National Library of Medicine, USA) 
                        Takahira Yamaguchi (Keio University, Japan)  
Workshop Chair:  	Natasha Noy (Stanford University, USA)
Metadata Chair: 	Steffen Staab (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
Semantic Web Challenge Co-Chairs: 
			Michael Klein (Vrije University, Netherlands)
			Ubbo Visser (University of Bremen, Germany)               
Software Demonstrations Chair: Stefan Decker (DERI, Ireland)
Sponsor Co-Chairs: 	Akira Maeda (Hitachi Ltd., Japan)
			Massimo Paolucci (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Publicity Chair: 	Akiko Inaba (Osaka University, Japan)

Akiko Inaba
ISIR, Osaka University
8-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka, 567-0047

Received on Friday, 18 June 2004 03:19:46 UTC