Re: Regarding the tools for OWL-S

Ola -

I have just added two new tools to this page:

In addition to those tools, there are also about 5 OWL-S tools listed here:

including the Protege OWL-S Editor that is currently under development 
at SRI, in collaboration with Daniel Elenius of Linköping University.

Good luck with your paper.  Please feel free to post a link to your 
paper when it is finished; I'm sure there are a number of readers who 
will find it interesting.

David Martin

Ola Wahlström wrote:

> HI!
> I'm writing a paper about OWL-S for the Darmstadt Univeristy in Germany and am trying to evaluate the tools recomended on your web site. There are 5 tools under the given URL and I found all of them very 
> interesting (2 x converting/mapping tools, 2 x composers, and one 
> match-maker). I haven't found any other tool, especially regarding manipulation (i.e. creating, parsing, querying, and inferencing) of OWL-S/DAML-S modellings aru you relying on pure OWL tools for this purpose and if yes, then i would like to know, which one you're using.
> I would apprciate a quick answer if possible, deadline coming up =)
> Thanks
> Regards
> Ola Wahlström

Received on Friday, 18 June 2004 02:01:26 UTC