Re: Something strange in OWL-S Upper Ontology

Evren Sirin wrote:
> David Martin wrote:
>>> Is there a special reason not to repeat the domain (apart from avoiding
>>> redundancy) ? 
>> Not to my knowledge; that is, it's just to avoid redundancy.
>>> When I edit services using Protege (and OWL plugin), it seems that I
>>> must add the domain for hasInput and hasOutput properties. If not,
>>> Protege only allows me to use the hasParameter property (it does not
>>> include reasoning to deduce this kind of domain inheritance).
>> It's a good point.  This is not the first time that a tool-building 
>> consideration may lead us to alter our notions of what is good style.
>> In the 1.1 Beta release (just about ready to be announced) I'm going 
>> to go ahead and add the domain explicitly for the benefit of tools 
>> (not everywhere, but in the crucial IOPE properties)..  But this is 
>> somewhat provisional; that is, if there are any important objections 
>> then it's possible these declarations will be removed.
> I'm not aginst these domain restrictions being added but it is hard to 
> decide which ones should be added and which ones not. This is not an 
> OWL-S specific issue and it seems that the tool needs to be updated not 
> the ontology. I believe if a request is made, this feature can easily be 
> added to Protege. As a side note, the ontology browser/editor SWOOP [1] 
> we have developed at Mindswap would already show these kind of 
> inheritances on domain and range. If you download the latest release you 
> need to set the reasoner to Pellet to see this effect, if you download 
> the nightly-build of SWOOP the default RDF-S reasoner should also 
> display the same information.

I agree.  In general, tools should become more capable, rather than 
expecting users to adopt special coding conventions that go beyond the 
requirements and practices specified by the language designers.


> Regards,
> Evren
> [1]
>> Regards,
>> David Martin
>>> However, this kind of troubles may be solved by the (future) OWL-S
>>> editor :-)
>>> Regards,
>>> Mathieu

Received on Sunday, 25 July 2004 02:40:42 UTC