Re: Draft OWL-S Process technical

hi Mark and Drew,
thank you for your responses!

i think i got it now: the agent may interpret the constructs both ways (ex 
ante, ex post), as explained by Drew, but I think that the practical 
applicability of the interpretations may depend on certain other factors, 
which the service annotator has to take care of:
* For instance, for variant (b), i.e. figuring out "ex post" what the 
service actually did accomplish, the outputs associated  to the different 
effects must  be distinguishable from each other.
* This would not be a requirement, however, if the agent just wants to use 
the service in the way described by variant (a), where it may just assume 
that the service behaves as specified by the description. In this case, 
the outputs associated to the different effect may equal each other

best regards,

> > [Joachim Peer]
> > i have a question regarding the "InCondition"/"WithOutput"/"hasEffect" 

> > construct: 
> > 
> > How should an agent interpret such a construct...I think there could 
> > (at least) two possible interpretations:
> > 
> > a) "if 'InCondition' is true, then expect effect 'hasEffect' to occur 
> > expect to receive an output 'WithOutput'" (somehow an 'ex ante' 
> > interpretation)
> > 
> > b) "if you receive an output as defined by 'WithOutput' then you can 
> > assume that the effect 'hasEffect' has occured, which means that the 
> > Condition 'InCondition' happened to be true on service invocation" 
> > (somehow an 'ex post' interpretation)
> As far as I can see, these are the _same_ interpretation.  They have
> the same semantics, which is essentially your (a).  There are two (or
> more) ways to _use_ the information, one being to predict what message
> will be generated from your knowledge of which condition is true, and
> the other is to posit the condition after receiving a message.  These
> are just deduction vs. abduction on the same basic facts.
>                                              -- Drew

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2004 18:10:58 UTC