Problems and some possible typos with the Congo example.

I noticed there are two flavors of Condition description to state a book is
out of book.



          <expr:SWRL-Condition rdf:ID="ExpressCongoBuyBookOutOfStock">
            <expr:expressionBody rdf:parseType="Literal">
                         <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasBook"/>
                         <owl:allValueFrom rdf:resource="OutOfStockBook"/>
                <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;#nil"/>

indicates that the instance of OutOfStockBook class is actually a copy of a
book, the following two condition description give the opposite indication.


       <expr:SWRL-Condition rdf:ID="FullCongoBuyBookOutOfStock">
          <expr:expressionBody rdf:parseType="Literal">
                            <swrlx:Variable rdf:ID="#aBook"/>
                  <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#FullCongoBuyBookName"/>
                      <swrlx:classPredicate rdf:resource="#OutOfStockBook"/>
                      <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#aBook"/>
                  <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;#nil"/>


        <expr:SWRL-Condition rdf:ID="BookOutOfStock">
          <expr:expressionBody rdf:parseType="Literal">
                     <swrlx:Variable rdf:ID="#aBook"/>
                  <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#LocateBookBookName"/>
                      <swrlx:classPredicate rdf:resource="#OutOfStockBook"/>
                      <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#aBook"/>
                  <rdf:rest rdf:resource="&rdf;#nil"/>

Could somebody tell me why or something I missed? Thanks.

Finally I 'd like to list some typos I found in the Congo examples.

1)        <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#ExpressCongoBuyISBN"/>

The URIref should be  "#ExpressCongoBuyBookISBN".

2)      <owl:allValueFrom rdf:resource="OutOfStockBook"/> 
The URIref should be  "#OutOfStockBook".

3)      <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#ExpressCongoBuyShipment"/> 

"ExpressCongoBuyShipment" is undefined in the document.

4)      <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#FukkCongoBuyShipment"/>
The URIref should be "#FullCongoBuyshipment".

5)      <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#ExpressCongoAcctID"/>
The URIref should be "#ExpressCongoBuyAcctID".

6)        <swrlx:Variable rdf:ID="#aBook"/> 

The XML Name should be "aBook"  


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Received on Friday, 24 December 2004 13:22:26 UTC