Introduction - Stephane Fellah


My name is Stephane Fellah. I am the web chief architect of PCI
Geomatics. I am co-chairing the Information Communities and Semantic
Working Group in OpenGIS Consortium (, whose goal is to
produce specifications to enable interoperability of geospatial data and
services over the web. I have participated to a  number of testbeds
related to web services within OGC
( and to the development of
specifications (Web Coverage Service, Image archive, Messaging
framework, common architecture).. My areas of interest are in semantic
Grid computing, service chaining, semantic query, development of
ontologies for geospatial content and services and spatio-temporal

Best regards
Stephane Fellah
Senior Software Engineer
PCI Geomatics
490, Boulevard St Joseph
Hull, Quebec
Canada J8Y 3Y7
Tel: 1 819 770 0022 Ext. 223
Fax 1 819 770 0098
Visit our web site:

-----Original Message-----
From: David De Roure [] 
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: Introduction - David De Roure

At 14:23 07/11/2003 +0100, Carine Bournez wrote:
>Feel free to introduce yourself and explain what are your expectations 
>from this forum, the projects you have in mind and any other relevant 

Hello, I specialise in the application of semantic web technologies to
grid computing, i.e. "semantic grid" (see  This
means applying semantic web both *on* the grid (i.e. in grid
applications) but also *in* the grid, i.e. in the grid middleware.
Since grid computing is increasingly service-oriented, many semantic
grid projects are already exercising the available semantic web
machinery for description, discovery and composition of web services.
I'm a W3C AC rep and was an "alternate" on Webont, and I chair the
Semantic Grid Research Group in the Global Grid Forum.  I'm also
responsible for some pervasive computing research, which again involves
service description, discovery and composition - plus some rather
different ontologies and a bunch of engineering issues to do with
working in real time.


-- Dave

Prof David De Roure                        phone +44 (0)23 8059 2418
Grid and Pervasive Computing               fax   +44 (0)23 8059 2865
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton                  email
Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK        

Received on Friday, 7 November 2003 14:56:47 UTC