SWSL Requirements Document - Enactment Section

There is a new enactment requirements section in the document we are 
creating for the Language Committee. It tries to account for enactment 
related items raised in similar discussions in SWSA as posted by Mark 
Burstein.  It also has inputs gleaned in discussions at the SWSI F-2-F in 
Captiva and the invited talk at ISWC-2003 by Mike Brodie, Chief Scientist 
of Verizon.


I am the editor for this section, and I plan a revision of this by mid next 
week ahead of SWSL accepting this first version of the whole requirements 
document - which is to be voted on on November 20th.   I at least plan to 
make a more coherent list of enactment requirements with less repeated items.

I could use inputs and thoughts about the current draft to make this input 
more of a shared view.  Let me have them by early next week if you can folks.


Received on Thursday, 6 November 2003 15:47:59 UTC