Re: Semantic Web for Life Sciences Workshop

John - Enclosed is our position paper relating to the Life Sciences 

On Oct 7, 2004, at 3:24 PM, John Wilbanks wrote:

> David,
> I'm happy to accept your paper.  Please mail it to me, copied to 
>, when it's ready.
> I will send along registration information once we receive the 
> position paper.
> Best regards,
> jtw
> Steve Bratt wrote:
>> Cathy,
>> I am happy to hear that David will submit a position paper and attend 
>> the Life Sciences workshop.  I'm cc'ing this to John Wilbanks, who is 
>> organizing the event, and who will send David the registration 
>> information in the next couple of days.
>> Hope to see you in two weeks.
>> Steve
>> ===========
>> Cathy Norton wrote:
>>> Steve:
>>> Thank you so much for the opportunity to represent the WHOI 
>>> community at this meeting.  David Remsen would like to come and 
>>> represent the us and he will send you  his position paper by next 
>>> week if that is OK.
>>> Now that the shark is gone --- David has a tad more time to 
>>> concentrate on the Taxonomic Name Server that he has been developing 
>>> here in Woods Hole for the scientific community.
>>> I thought your talk at WHOI was terrific and the interest in 
>>> standards theme can't be emphasized enough in this community that 
>>> works on creativity and invention -- but in the final 
>>> archive/repository of scientific information/data -- retrieval of 
>>> that information using standards is a true gift to the community at 
>>> large.
>>> I hope to accompany Ralph when he comes up to MIT in a few weeks.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Cathy
>>> On Oct 4, 2004, at 7:45 PM, Steve Bratt wrote:
>>>> Was wondering if there is interest in sending one WHOI 
>>>> representative to this workshop?  If so, please let me know by this 
>>>> Wednesday, so I can reserve a special slot for you.
>>>> This workshop would be a good opportunity to see what a wide range 
>>>> of scientists -- mainly from the pharma-medical sides of life 
>>>> sciences -- are thinking about their requirements and the 
>>>> opportunities for Web standards to address them.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Steve
>>>> -----
>>>> Ralph Stephen wrote:
>>>>> Dave/Eleanor/Cathy,
>>>>>     Steve Bratt is offering to get one WHOI/MBL participant into 
>>>>> the Life Sciences Workshop at W3C (week of Oct 25 I believe).  See 
>>>>> his note below.  Feel free to contact Steve directly.  I hope 
>>>>> something works out.
>>>>> Regards,  Ralph.
>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>> Subject: Follow-up on W3C/WHOI Discussion on 23 Sep
>>>>> Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:28:49 -0400
>>>>> From: Steve Bratt <>
>>>>> Reply-To:
>>>>> Organization: World Wide Web Consortium
>>>>> To: Ralph Stephen <>
>>>>> Hi Ralph,
>>>>> .
>>>>> .
>>>>> .
>>>>> 2. W3C's Semantic Web for Life Sciences Workshop.  Though the 
>>>>> deadline for
>>>>> submitting a paper is closed, for friends like you, I would be 
>>>>> happy to pull
>>>>> some strings ;-)  Really, if one of your life sciences scientists 
>>>>> or IT experts
>>>>> would like to submit a short position paper and attend this 
>>>>> workshop, it can be
>>>>> arranged.  They would not be able to get on the agenda, but at 
>>>>> least would be
>>>>> able to attend, and see what this broad segment of scientists is 
>>>>> thinking about
>>>>> in terms of the applications of advanced Web technologies to solve 
>>>>> their
>>>>> challenging problems.
>>>>> Here is the general info on the workshop...
>>>>> And here is the archive of papers to give your prospective 
>>>>> contributor some
>>>>> models (also, you may see some interesting analogies to the 
>>>>> problems you have):
>>>>> Let me know by early next week if there is interest, and from whom 
>>>>> we could
>>>>> expect a paper.
>>>>> .
> -- 
> John Wilbanks
> W3C Fellow
> Semantic Web - Life Sciences
> 617-253-5845 (direct)
> 617-838-6333 (mobile; best voicemail #)
> --
David Remsen
uBio Project Developer
Marine Biological Laboratory
Woods Hole, MA 02543

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2004 18:41:03 UTC