Call for Participation: SumPre+HSWI Demo Jam

*                   SumPre+HSWI Demo Jam
*                 at the joint workshop on
*          Summarizing and presenting entities and
*               Human Semantic Web Interaction
*             co-located with ESWC in Crete, Greece
*                 Monday, June 1st, 2015

This year's edition of the SumPre+HSWI workshop will feature a *demo jam
session*. If you have an interesting user interface to the semantic web
and/or linked open data, an interesting tool for summarizing and/or
presenting semantic web entities, or a user interface that makes
use of semantic  web data, you are welcome to show it in a short,
informal demo.

The rules are as follows:
* you bring the demo running on your own laptop
* demos will be shown in a plenary setting
* you are only allowed to show an actual system (i.e., no slides)
* you have a maximum of 5 minutes
* there may or may not be internet access (so having a local fallback is
a good idea)

The goal is to provide a setting where you can discuss your ideas and
facilitate exchange about current issues that exist in the field of
human semantic web interaction.

There will be *no formal review process*. If you are interested to show
your demo, please enter your data in the following Google Doc:

In case there are more people interested than we have space, the
organizers reserve the right to pick the ones which look the most
interesting to them.

The topics of SumPre+HSWI include, but are not limited to:

* Semantic Web applications and tools addressing the needs of end users,
both for creating and consuming Semantic Web data
* Requirements for supporting the design and implementation of user
interfaces for semantic applications
* Natural Language Interfaces
* Interaction styles and requirements, including new/emergent types of
* Models for specifying structure and behavior of semantic interfaces
* Lessons learned from developing, evaluating and using semantic interfaces
* Defining Semantic Interfaces: concepts, requirements
* Literature reviews and methodologies in the scope of Human-Semantic
Web Interaction
* Stakeholders perspectives
* Sensemaking
* Semantic search interfaces
* Use Cases/Case Studies, best practices, evaluations
* New web based interaction technologies (Gesture, Touch, Mind-Web
Interfaces, etc.)UI/UX
* Paradigms for semantic applications on mobile devices, taking into
account on-board sensors (think: SIRI/Google Now on steroids)
* Visualization in semantic interfaces
* Task and context-specific entity summarization
* Summarization of graphs and knowledge bases
* Ontology ranking, summarization, modularization, and search
* Fact ranking, retrieval, and question answering over the Web
* Evaluation of ranking and summarization methods
* Verbalizing and visualizing entity-centric data
* Ontology visualization and exploration
* Navigation, faceted browsing, and exploratory search
* Entity/link/ontology recommendation
* Novel presentation methods and interaction paradigms for ontologies 
and Web data
* User studies with visualization and exploration methods
* Novel applications of the above techniques

SumPre+HSWI Organizers

* Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
* Roberto Garcia, University of Lleida, Spain
* Kalpa Gunaratna, (Kno.e.sis) Wright State University, USA
* Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim, Germany
* Andreas Thalhammer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
* Martin Voigt, Ontos GmbH, Leipzig, Germany

Prof. Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Data and Web Science Group
University of Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 181 2646
B6, 26, Room C1.08
D-68159 Mannheim


Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2015 08:55:35 UTC