Re: studies about LD visibility

2009/1/21 Olaf Hartig <>:

> Does someone know a study that investigates whether people from different
> communities know about linked data and are aware of the benefits?

I've not seen anything, but if the W3C has resources for another
Education and Outreach group in the near future, I'd suggest such a
study as a deliverable.

As far as I can tell there is awareness in some of the scientific
communities, though as a message for the Web at large linked data
seems still to be be limited to a subset of the semweb community.
Having said that, places like Read/WriteWeb and do
expose running applications to the Web 2.0 community. Also RDFa
deployment seems to be growing in general, and that's good data.



Received on Thursday, 22 January 2009 12:32:13 UTC