Re: Proposed rewrite for section 3.1

It was Jonathan Rees who said at the right time 21.03.2008 13:48 the 
following words:
> On Mar 21, 2008, at 2:04 AM, Leo Sauermann wrote:
>> It is important to understand that using URIs, it is possible to 
>> identify both a thing (which exists outside of the web) and a web 
>> document describing the thing.
> I think you should say "which may exist" instead of "which exists", as 
> web documents are legitimate things and may themselves have 
> descriptions. (I think Tim said this on the call.) It's important at 
> each step to be consistent with the idea that there are lots of 
> things, and some but not all of those things are web documents.
ok, changed for the final note.
>> In HTTP, a 200 response code should be sent when a Web document has 
>> been accessed, a different setup is needed ...
> I think you are missing a word here, perhaps "because": "In HTTP, 
> because a 200 response code..."
it makes it sound a little better, done.


> Best
> Jonathan

DI Leo Sauermann 

Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer 
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Dr. Walter Olthoff
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Received on Saturday, 22 March 2008 22:16:13 UTC