Re: [Information Gathering] next steps: syndication, good weblocation

On 30/03/07, Leo Sauermann <> wrote:

[snip - all sounds reasonable]

> So we will focus our efforts on syndication of data and providing a
> stable SPARQL endpoint for the data + download facilities (and an RSS feed).
> To decide on this, I would propose now to drop the portal ideas for now.
> Anybody who wants can make a portal, if members of SWEO want to make
> one, thats a new task force. (to concentrate our energy)

Focussing the effort like this does sound the best approach for now.
But I'm optimistic we won't need a task force to build a portal. If we
can encourage a few of the toolbuilders and assorted hackers at large
to produce their own views of the data, there should be at least one
nice looking and straightforward enough in admin terms to fold back as
a SWEO-blessed portal.

This might actually make a nice competition - just a thought...



Received on Friday, 30 March 2007 09:47:55 UTC