[ALL] agenda Oct 14 telecon - 1500 UTC

[sorry for this to be late; scribe volunteer very welcome]

Agenda - Oct 14 2008 SWD telecon - 1500 UTC
W3C Semantic Web Deployment Working Group
         Tuesday, 1500 UTC / 0800 Seattle / 1100 Boston /
                  1600 London / 1700 Amsterdam
         Phone : Boston: +1-617-761-6200
                 Nice: +33-4-8906-3499
                 Bristol: +44-117-370-6152
         Conference code 79394# ('SWDWG')
         IRC:   irc://irc.w3.org:6665/swd (member-only)
         Web client: http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc

Chair: Guus
Scribe: pls volunteer

Attendance of SWD WG telecons is restricted to registered
WG participants and persons invited by the chairs.  As of
2008-07-01, telecons are no longer held weekly but on an
"as needed" basis.

1. ADMIN (10 min)

PROPOSED to accept minutes of the last telecon:


Proposed telecon: 21 October


SKOS Reference (Alistair, Sean)
LC WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-skos-reference-20080829/

-- 2008-08-29. SKOS Last Call Working Draft published:
    Comments welcome through 3 October.

-- Schedule for SKOS Reference
    October: Request to advance SKOS Reference to Candidate Recommendation
    November: Request to advance SKOS Reference to Proposed Recommendation
    15 December: SKOS Reference W3C Recommendation decision

Last Call comments

Issue list:

ACTION: Guus and Jeremy to give concrete implementation examples of the 
use of rdfs:label w/ SKOS [recorded in 

ACTION: Sean to propose resolutions to outstanding issues, bundling 
editorial issues where necessary [recorded in 

SKOS Primer (Antoine, Ed)
Last WD: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-skos-primer-20080829/

-- 2008-09-02 update. Primer should be ready by the time Reference is a Rec.

-- Schedule for SKOS Primer
    15 December: SKOS Primer published as WG Note

SKOS Use Cases and Requirements (editors Daniel, Jon, Antoine)

     2008-09-02. Primer should be ready by the time Reference is a Rec.

-- Schedule for Use Cases
    15 December: SKOS Use Cases and Requirements published as WG Note

SKOS Implementation report

     2008-09-02. Need format to describe implementations;
     people contribute in this format.  Build table of SKOS
     constructs and how used.
     Checker: able to read a SKOS vocabulary and flag potential
     problems with regard to semantics.

     2008-09-30. Implementation responses to be considered
     during Candidate Rec phase (which is typically 4-6 weeks)
     Traditionally, Candidate Rec lasts as long as it takes
     to get implementations.

SKOS other

-- Post-SWD W3C support for SKOS community
     [This is a placeholder - to be discussed before December.
     Possibilities: public-esw-thes@w3.org, semantic-web@w3.org.
     Maintenance of http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/.]

3. RDFa

-- RDFa Task Force telecons Teleconferences on Thursdays, 1600 UTC -
    open to "everyone interested in RDFa"
         irc://irc.w3.org:6665/rdfa, conference code 7332# ('RDFa').

    2008-10-02 minutes are at


RDFa as Proposed Recommendation

-- 2008-09-04. Call for Review:
    RDFa in XHTML: Syntax and Processing Proposed Recommendation
    -- see http://www.w3.org/News/2008#item151

-- Remaining schedule:
      15 October: RDFa Syntax W3C Recommendation decision

RDFa Primer and RDFa Use Cases

-- Remaining schedule:
     October? - RDFa Primer published as Working Group Note
     October? - RDFa Use Cases published as Working Group Note

-- 2008-09-30 update: Ben will Primer (want to publish with REC).

ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to Group Note 
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/09/30-swd-minutes.html#action02]


-- Published as Working Group Note, 28 August:

ACTION: Diego to close recipe issues issue-16 through issue-23and 
issue-58 citing email [recorded 

ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of Recipes 
implementations] [recorded in 




6. AOB

-- Vocabulary management

2008-05-13: Elisa to revise before May 20 call.  Goal is to review take 
decision on publishing as a Working Draft on
June 10.

Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 22:06:56 UTC