Re: [Recipes] Open issues in Recipes

Hi Tom. This is the list of the issues, their current status, and the  
action I suggest for each one, to be discussed next Tuesday:

* ISSUE-16 "Default behavior" ( 
) -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue. There used to be an action  
about this issue that was dropped on 10 Jun, 2008, when the WG decided  
to advance recipes to Note.

* ISSUE-17 "Recipe 6 is incomplete" ( 
) -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). The Note includes a  
complete Recipe 6.

* ISSUE-18 "QA Review comments from Karl Dubost" ( 
) -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action:  close the issue (solved). The Note addresses  
all the comments from Karl (I'm not sure, however, if we contacted  
back with Karl about these changes).

* ISSUE-19 "Recipes should supply a general server configuration  
template" ( -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). The Note contains a  
link to a wiki page that invites uses to contribute their  
configurations for non-Apache servers.

* ISSUE-20 "Online server testing" ( 
) -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). The Note contains a  
link to Vapour, an online validation service.

* ISSUE-21 "Apache configuration should add that mod_rewrite must be  
loaded and enabled" ( --  
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). The Note contains  
explicit instructions to load mod_rewrite.

* ISSUE-22 "Questioning reference to 'IE6 hack'" ( 
) -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). The section on IE6  
in the Note was rewritten.

* ISSUE-23 "	There should be some discussion of alternatives  
to .htaccess" ( -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue (solved). Appendix D of the  
Note discusses the alternatives.

* ISSUE-24 "Additional text explaining redirect choices in the  
recipes" ( -- OPEN
  ==> Suggested action: to be discussed

* ISSUE-30 "Determine how and if RDDL relates to the Recipes" ( 
   ==> Suggested action: to be discussed

* ISSUE-58: ".htaccess 'accept header' ONLY responds to a header which  
EXACTLY matches " ( --  
  ==> Suggested action: close the issue. The document acknowledges the  
problem and provides hints on how to tackle it.

* ISSUE-60 "Guidelines needed for proper construction of vocabulary  
scheme and 'term' URIs" ( 
60) -- RAISED
   ==> Suggested action: to be discussed. IMO, discussing the strategy  
to pick URIs for new terms is out of the scope of the document.

* ISSUE-98 "URI escaping in SPARQL query in Recipe 6" ( 
  ==> Suggested action: to be discussed.


El 04/10/2008, a las 11:06, Thomas Baker escribió:

> In the issue tracker, ten of the eleven "open" issues [1]
> relate to "Recipes" as well as three of the "raised" issues [2].
> Almost all of the issues date from early 2007.
> I am putting these on the agenda for Tuesday.  Could the
> editors please look into this so we can clean up the record?
> Tom
> [1]
> [2]
> -- 
> Tom Baker <>

Diego Berrueta
R&D Department  -  CTIC Foundation
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain

Received on Saturday, 4 October 2008 14:09:45 UTC