from June 2008 by subject

[ALL] Agenda - Jun 17 2008 SWD telecon - 1500 UTC

[ALL] agenda 1 Jul telecon - 1500 UTC

[ALL] agenda 10 June telecon - 1500 UTC

[ALL] agenda telecon 24 Jun - 1500 UTC

[RDFa TC] The RDFa Test Harness is now available ...

[RDFa] CR for RDFa

[RDFa] Telecon Thursday - 1500 UTC

[Recipes] new editor's draft

[SKOS comment] Re: Call for Comments: SKOS Primer: W3C Working Draft 21 February 2008

[SKOS] 3 June Editors' Draft text and python files

[SKOS] documentation properties and DC

[SKOS] exactMatch issues: ISSUE-72 ISSUE-73 ISSUE-75

[SKOS] old namespace setup

[SKOS] SKOS Reference 3 June 2008 Editors' Draft ready for publication

[SKOS] Status of ISSUE-41

[SKOS] Status of SKOS old specs - Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus

[SKOS] status of SKOS requirement

adding metadata with RDFa to W3C TR

Agenda - Jun 03 2008 SWD telecon - 1500 UTC

ISSUE-121: CR Comment: clarification of default namespace

ISSUE-72: ExactMatchTransitive

Issue-76: SymbolicLabels

Library of Congress Subject Headings as SKOS Linked Data

Meeting record - Jun 17 2008 SWD telecon

meeting record: 2008-06-03 SWD WG telecon

meeting record: 2008-06-05 RDF-in-XHTML task force

meeting record: 2008-06-10 SWD WG telco

meeting record: 2008-06-12 RDF-in-XHTML task force

meeting record: 2008-06-19 RDF-in-XHTML Task Force

Meeting Record: 2008-06-24 SWD Telecon

meeting record: 2008-06-26 RDFa telecon

Notations in SKOS

Possible regrets for 17th.

Practical Web Semantics - talk at Rackspace

RDFa CR decision

RDFa is a Candidate Recommendation

RE : [SKOS] transfering formal comments to SWD group (was RE : When did SKOS namespace change, and why?)

Recipes update


Regrets for 10 June

Regrets for 17th

regrets for next 2 weeks

Regrets for no attendance today

regrets for the next week

SKOS comment

SKOS Comment (Reference WD June 2008) - broaderTransitive < broader, narrowerTransitive < narrower

SKOS comment: change of namespace

SKOS Reference WD published

XHTML 2 Working Group approves transition to CR

xhtml+rdfa parsing as html Re: RDFa is a Candidate Recommendation

Last message date: Monday, 30 June 2008 22:46:59 UTC