Re: Notations in SKOS

Hi Clay,

> We have resolved "to introduce skos:notation [which will be] a
> rdf:Property whose value is a typed literal. The datatype of the
> literal specifies a syntax encoding scheme and the value of the
> literal is the classification code or the like from that encoding
> scheme."
> The resolution further states, "As prefLabel is optional, SKOS tools
> may want to display notations as labels." [3]  We noted that if a
> skos:notation exists for a Concept that does not have a
> skos:prefLabel, then SKOS tools may want to display labels generated
> from the value of the skos:notation.
> This means that expressing notations through skos:notation will stand
> as the best practice, but that implementers can additionally use your
> construct of expressing the notation in a labeling property with the
> RFC 4646 private use language subtag to ensure that a Concept is
> labeled as he/she deems necessary.  Language-specific uses of
> x-notation, such as the following from your examples in [2], are
> favored when using labeling properties to express notation data.
> <MyResource> 
 >   skos:prefLabel "France"@en ;
 >   skos:prefLabel "FRA"@en-x-notation ;
 >   skos:notation "FRA"^^my:datatype .
 > ### Tom points out values from dcterms:iso639-3 in [3] as example 

Looks fine to me - a notation can be specified in detail by a datatype 
but you don't *have to* support data types to work with notations.


 > [1]
 > [2]
 > [3]

Jakob Voß <>, skype: nichtich
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
+49 (0)551 39-10242,

Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2008 09:55:39 UTC