Re: [SKOS] The return of ISSUE-44 (was Re: TR : SKOS Reference Editor's Draft 23 December 2007)

It might be good to discuss this our tcon, as I 
don't understand your response to my question.

At 01:38 AM 1/10/2008, Antoine Isaac wrote:

>Hi daniel,
>That would seem intuitive in some case, but it is not in many KOS practices.
>Consider the following quote from the NISO 
>Z39.19 standard Simon has just pointed us to 
>(and I think there is the same in ISO 2788)
>>Associative Relationships
>>This relationship covers associations between 
>>terms that are neither equivalent nor hierarchical,
>>Are we still contemplating hierarchy to these 
>>relations? It would seem "broader" and 
>>"narrower" are relations subsumed by "related".
>>At 02:01 PM 1/9/2008, Simon Spero wrote:
>>>Is it better  to label these relationships with the terms 'broader'
>>>and 'narrower' whilst defining them with the semantics of 'related'?
>>>Wouldn't it be better to use the standard labels to denote the
>>>standard semantics, and use a special label, disjoint from broader,
>>>for the non-hierarchical hierarchies?
>>>The SKOS Core Guide[1] originally aligned itself with Z39.19/BS8723;
>>>I feel it's a mistake to abandon the standard semantics without also
>>>abandoning the standard labels. The Library of 
>>>Congress adopted the BT/ NT labels for its 
>>>syndetic relationships  in the LCSH, without fixing
>>>the semantics; this has not proven helpful :-)
>>>Broader/Narrower Relationships
>>>To assert that one concept is broader in meaning (i.e. more general)
>>>than another, where the scope (meaning) of one falls completely within
>>>the scope of the other, use the skos:broader property. To assert the
>>>inverse, that one concept is narrower in meaning (i.e. more specific)
>>>than another, use the skos:narrower property.
>>>The properties skos:broader and skos:narrower are transitive properties.
>>>See also section on hierarchies in BS8723.
>>>  [1, §#sechierarchy]
>>>[1]  Alistair Miles and Dan Brickley,SKOS Core Guide (November, 2005).
>>>Available at

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 14:57:16 UTC