Re: AW: AW: SKOS Mapping

Hi Lars,

As your name was on the browser's page I thought it was linked.
So actually CrissCross practical aim would be to do things the other way 
round: DDC books via SWD heading, and not SWD books by DDC classes...

Thanks for the clarification,


> In litteris suis de Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007 10:24, Antoine Isaac
> <>scripsit:
>> Hi Lars,
>> Do you plan to descibe what is behind the portal that enables
>> to access
>> The DNB books via the DDC vocabulary, at
>> ?
>> If this is one of the results of the Crisscross project it would be
>> indeed really interesting 
> Hi Antoine,
> MelvilSearch really hasn't anything to do with CrissCross, but is a
> searchportal for literature classified with the DDC. Since we classify
> almost all literature catalogued by the DNB with DDC (after the LoC
> we're the second largest supplier of DDC notations in the world!) we can
> offer access to our publications based on that classification. The aim
> behind CrissCross is rather to offer an enhanced access vocabulary for
> DDC classified publications by using the descriptors and synonyms from
> the SWD and then find the proper DDC class from the SWD/DDC-Mapping.
> All the best
> Lars
>>> In litteris suis de Montag, 29. Oktober 2007 14:50, Miles, AJ
>>> (Alistair) <>scripsit:
>>> Hi Alistair,
>>>> Yes, we plan to work on SKOS mapping vocabulary very soon, so
>>>> any use cases and information you could publish would be very
>>>> helpful! 
>>> That't great news. I'll try to get some people here at the library
>>> together and see what we can come up with.
>>> All the best,
>>> Lars
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From:
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Svensson, Lars
>>>>> Sent: 24 October 2007 09:33 To:
>>>>> Subject: SKOS Mapping
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Together with the University of Applied Sciencies in Cologne,
>>>>> the German National Library currently develops a mapping from
>>>>> the German Subject Headings Authority File (SWD) [1] to the
>>>>> Dewey Decimal Classification
>>>>> (DDC) [2]. The work is being done within CrissCross [3], a
>>>>> part of the European project MACS [4] with the aim to produce
>>>>> a mapping between the SWD, the LCSH [5] and the French RAMEAU [6].
>>>>> Part of the project assignment is to investigate the
>>>>> possibility to publish those mappings on the semantic web.
>>>>> This could be one application of the SKOS Mapping Vocabulary.
>>>>> Are there any plans to continue the development of SKOS
>>>>> Mapping? (I know that the work on SKOS Mapping was put on the
>>>>> back burner in order to finish SKOS Core). If yes, would it
>>>>> help if we published one or two use cases based on our
>>>>> projects and the data we use in them?
>>>>> Best regards and thanks for any hints,
>>>>> Lars
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> [4]
>>>>> [5]
>>>>> [6]
>>>>> --
>>>>> Dr. Lars G. Svensson
>>>>> Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
>>>>> Informationstechnik
>>>>> Adickesallee 1
>>>>> 60322 Frankfurt

Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2007 10:06:52 UTC