Re: [RDFa] ISSUE-8: RDF containers in RDFa

On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 07:03 -0700, Ben Adida wrote:
> <ul about="#paper" rel="dc:creator">
> <li>Mark</li>
> <li content="Steven">Steve</li>
> <li>Ralph</li>
> </ul>
> yields:
> <#paper> dc:creator ["Mark", "Steven", "Ralph"] .

This design space can be tricky, so having good concrete
examples is really valuable.

I wonder if dc:creator is a good use case. Does
its range include collections? A quick search
yields "An entity primarily responsible for making the resource."
not "an entity or list of entities...".

A common misconception is that

  <#paper> dc:creator ("Mark" "Steven" "Ralph").

somehow automatically corresponds to

  <#paper> dc:creator "Mark", "Steven", "Ralph".

so that "Mark" would get bound to ?who in
queries like
  SELECT ?who WHERE { <#paper> dc:creator ?who }.

This is not so.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 12 July 2007 15:03:32 UTC