[RDFa] added the N3 extractor to the Use Case Document

Hi all,

I've updated the editors' draft at:

to include a "N3" link below a handful of the HTML chunks. This uses the
RDFa Javascript parser live in your browser on the actual HTML examples
and displays the triples.

Note that this has revealed two bugs in the RDFa parser (one of which is
visible if you try scenario 4), which I'll work on fixing. Note also
that this only works in Firefox right now, because the RDFa parser only
works on Firefox right now (this is all fixable for IE and Safari, it's
just a matter of time.)

Reviewers: I have not changed the snapshot taken yesterday, of course,
so feel free to ignore or consider this change, whatever you prefer!


Received on Wednesday, 10 January 2007 23:56:29 UTC