proposal for Wiki page for Recipes implementations

Regarding the following action I took at the October face-to-face

  ACTION: Ralph to come up with a URI for wiki page [for Recipes [recorded in]

The 3 December Editors' Draft anticipates such a page:

  The editors wish to extend an invitation to any and all to submit
  additional bindings for non-Apache servers. The W3C is providing
  a wiki page to collect these bindings and recommendations.
   @@TODO Where is this wiki page?

(I suggest, BTW, changing this to "The Working Group invites
contributions of additional bindings ...").

I propose that the page be in the ESW Wiki rather than the SWD Wiki.
The ESW Wiki is better-known in the SemWeb community and has
volunteers who remove spam.   Our write access controls on the
SWD make it less convenient for public contributions.

So, I propose that we create a topic VocabPublishingRecipes in the
ESW wiki.  The first contribution to this page should be to cite the
Apache recipes that are in the Working Draft.  I am happy to create
this page if this proposal is adopted.

Received on Tuesday, 11 December 2007 16:35:47 UTC