Re: [OEP] New edition of time ontology editor's draft on 18 May 2006

Hi Feng,

On 25 Jul2006, at 10:51, Feng Pan wrote:
>> Perhaps (as someone else suggested) the Time Zone document
>> could be merged with the Time Ontology document as an appendix?
>> What do you think, Feng?
> I think I will need to ask Jerry about it after he's back, but Chris
> summerized it very well in [4] why we decided to split those into two:
> "Feng decided to split the notes into two, one describing the time  
> ontology
> and another describing just time zones, since they are actually broken
> into two ontologies anyway.  I agree with Feng & Jerry that this makes
> sense, as the time zone ontology is usable by itself, without  
> having to
> understand the time ontology."

We understood that decision at the time, but the time zone work will  
now be abandoned (or picked up by another group prior to publication)  
unless it is folded in.  This is the last chance to get anything  
published from SWBPD.  In fact, the closure of the group is waiting  
on it!

Please let us know whether you can fold in the time zone draft as an  
appendix or would prefer not to publish it at all at this time.   
Thanks in advance.


Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2006 01:29:30 UTC