Re: status of part-whole ontology?


As far as I know the note is ready to go modulo a few minor tweaks.   
I think Chris Welty 'has the token'.  There was a delay when his  
machine failed at the Face-to-Face in November, and I suspect  
holidays and other things have meant the document hasn't emerged.

If there is a problem for Chris, I can probably make the few  
necessary changes next month, but he had some alternative examples in  

No changes in substance are planned.



On 18 Jan 2006, at 19:20, Jacek Kopecky wrote:

> Dear SWBP WG, 8-)
> within WS-Description WG we are working on an RDF mapping for the WSDL
> components, and we are considering using your Part-whole ontology [1].
> Can you please let me know about the current status of this particular
> ontology and your plans for it?
> We will possibly want to go to Last Call with the RDF mapping  
> around the
> Tech Plenary in March, so if the part-whole ontology is planned to be
> delivered significantly later (if, indeed, ever), we would not be able
> to reuse it.
> Best regards,
> Jacek Kopecky
> [1] 
> part-whole-relations-v0-2.html

Alan Rector
Professor of Medical Informatics
Department of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
TEL +44 (0) 161 275 6188/6149
FAX +44 (0) 161 275 6204

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 04:56:49 UTC