[MM] EVERPLAY: XML-based Consumer Imaging Standards

FYI: maybe there should be a semantic EVERPLAY?

See: http://www.dpreview.com/news/0602/06022201everplay.asp 

EVERPLAY contains a set of standards for the consumer imaging and
electronics industry, aimed to provide products that are designed to
satisfy consumers desire to protect their image assets for generations
and provide interoperability across a variety of devices.

Since Photokina 2004, when its formation was announced, the EVERPLAY
founders have worked to define the standard, which was initially called
the Picture Archiving and Sharing Standard, abbreviated as "PASS" at
that time. In concurrence with the completion of the PASS standard and
the start of licensing, the new name "EVERPLAY" shall be used as an
interchangeable name for the spec.

The EVERPLAY standard has defined the rules for preserving photographic
images and associated meta data, so that they can be reproduced and
enjoyed even through the transition to future storage media and
EVERPLAY enables evolution of an individual company's system/products
while at the same time sustaining interoperability and preserving the
photographic images.

The EVERPLAY standard shall work by the scheme below, where index and
album files, written in extensible XML, are simply added to image data

Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 20:06:43 UTC